Memory Friendship Group

Our weekly group provides fun and interactive services for people living with dementia and alzheimer’s disease and their respective carers. Fun games, singing, dancing and friendships are what Bless Community Services is all about. Having a chat and supporting each other over a coffee is so simple but effective. We've received wonderful support from Alzheimer's Society local admiral nurses who join us frequently at our sessions. We recently received a 12 months funding grant from NOVA which will help us to continue to support this special group. We were also thrilled recently to have been asked to talk about what we do at Bless at the Alzheimer’s Society Roadshow and to meet and be surrounded by people that genuinely make a difference - we're grateful to have been part of such a special day.

Macmillan Cancer Support

After contacting Macmillan back in 2020 about our support group, Ian quickly came back to us to hear more about our small community group and after further discussion we were gifted with an initial £1200 grant which helped us to create our weekly Afternoon Tea & Quiz. It's this type of support which has ensured that our 50 strong group have everything that they need for weekly social contact, fun, care and advice for people who have lost family, are living with or are affected by Cancer. We're truly grateful to Ian and Macmillan Cancer Support as without sponsors like these our programmes might not be able to support as many people in our community. We're also super proud to announce that thanks to funding from the Lottery Fund back in 2021 we've been able to fund this amazing programme for another year.

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Gordan Adams

The support given by Bless is just what our community needs. They helped me learn out to relax and inspired me to focus on my life in a more positive way. They offer groups and course that I couldn't have accessed anywhere else. Thank you for all your support.

Lindsey Mawson

Bless community services is a fantastic organisation n is needed in our village it has help so many people (including me) in the short space of time it's been open if it wasn't for the amazing caring lovely Julie Green

Paula Craven

Just want to say thank you BLESS - this is a genuine caring service that this community has needed for a long time.

Daniel HunteR

Thanks to Bless having attended the mindfulness course I'm now more positive and slightly more confident and I'm surprised at this but glad as I think this will help me going forward for the rest of my life potentially.
park your pre mis-conceptions at the door its not mumbo jumbo.